Seeking Vector (Cyborg Sizzle Book 10) Read online

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  Vector wanted her to focus on him but that focus would demolish his meager restraint. He tapped the warship’s controls. An image of open space appeared on the main viewscreen.

  “Yes.” Kasia undulated as he touched her. She was a sleek ship dancing on the wind, lithe, supple, female. “We’re flying, warrior.” Her husky voice coiled around him. “We’re free.”

  Vector, for the first time in his long lifespan, felt truly free, unencumbered by all rules, all laws, including gravity. He watched her face as he caressed her pussy, learning how to navigate his female; how to lift her higher and higher until she cried out with pleasure; how to lower her passions when they grew too turbulent, threatening to throw them both into a tailspin.

  His nostrils flared as he breathed deeply, inhaling her excitement. She smelled too good to resist. He licked her and she cried out, her spine bowing. Her taste tingled on his tongue.

  He ate her out with fervor, laving her flesh, nibbling on her folds, delving into her tight little entrance. She panted, reaching out to the main viewscreen, trying to grasp the stars, her abs flexing.

  The beauty of the moment would be seared into his processors for all time.

  “Vector.” She wiggled, grinding her pussy against his face.

  “Surrender to me, Kasia.” His voice was muffled by his female. “Trust your warrior.”

  “Do.” Her lips parted. “Trust.”

  Vector covered her clit with his mouth, pulling gently on that tiny bundle of nerves. She screamed, bucking upward, slamming herself against him.

  He captured every drop of her, sucking and swallowing, sucking and swallowing, as she strained against him, glorious in her release.

  Vector drew back, smacking his lips, the essence of her flavoring his mouth. His female sagged against the console.

  “I trust you,” she murmured. “Though you don’t trust me.”

  He shouldn’t trust her. She knew too much, kept too many secrets, took too many risks. But with her, he wasn’t the cautious warship captain. He was the primitive C Model, the warrior, and that being, recognizing her as his female, believed in her.

  “I require your complete surrender.” Vector stripped his body armor off his body, craving the feel of her skin against his. He left his boots on.

  “You’re built, cyborg.” Kasia’s eyes widened with appreciation. “And hard.” Her gaze lowered to his cock. “Give me that and you’ll have total capitulation.” She licked her lips.

  His female would short-circuit his processors. He craved her that much. “I should already have total capitulation.” But he would give her his cock to ensure that was the truth.

  Vector positioned himself between her legs. His hips pressed against her thighs, the combination of her delicate skin and her unyielding muscle thrilling him.

  He brushed his tip over her wetness, branding himself with her scent, and a shudder of delight rolled through him. Millions of warriors sought to find their females. He’d been successful.

  The cyborg council would try to take her away from him. He didn’t know how long he and Kasia had before that happened.

  But they were together now. They would breed. She would be his.

  Vector gripped her hips, holding his female in place, and slowly pushed into her. She squeezed his cock head with her inner walls, an embrace he felt down to his ankles.

  Must. Make. It. Good. For. Her. He gritted his teeth, fighting the urge to thrust, to come quickly.

  Stress lines grooved his female’s mouth, the strain reflecting in her eyes.

  “I’m damaging you.” He forced himself to pause, not wanting to hurt her more.

  “It’s a good damage.” Her voice was thin. “Like the straps around my wrists, your sure grip on my hips, the heavy weight of you.” She raised her body, taking him deeper. “Pin me to the console, Vector. Own me.”

  “I do own you.” Vector ventured farther, sinking into his female. Her exquisite heat surrounded him. “I will be the only male to touch you.”

  Once he found release, she would be filled with his nanocybotics. She would never age, his nanocybotics repairing the damage time caused. She’d heal quickly.

  Though not quickly enough if Furudian fire burrowers attacked.

  He shoved that disturbing thought to the back of his processors.

  After this encounter, Dissent and every other cyborg would know she belonged to him. Vector focused on that tantalizing fact. She’d smell of him and only him. His hold on her hips intensified as he resisted the temptation to immediately claim her.

  “You’re the only male I want.” She met his gaze. “You make me wet, warrior.”

  “I feel you, female.” Her warmth soaked his balls. He continued the slow slide, conquering more and more of her, physically declaring that territory as his.

  She accepted that ownership of her, yielding to him. His base pressed against her feminine folds and he paused, fully engulfed by her.

  A sense of satisfaction, of wholeness, fell over him. Vector closed his eyes, relishing the moment. He was complete, after many human lifespans of being only part of a warrior.

  “You’re mine.” Gazing down at her, he embraced that truth. She was his. He would protect her, would battle Power and his brethren to keep her alive and by his side.

  Kasia’s recklessness would have to be curbed also, to safeguard her. He touched the straps around her wrists. That task could be enjoyable.

  “I’m yours.” His female wasn’t rebelling at the moment. Her eyelids were partially lowered and her cheeks were flushed. “For now.”

  He frowned, withdrawing. “For always.” Vector thrust hard, shaking her form and she gasped. He was never letting her go.

  Vector pulled back and drove forward, pulled back and drove forward, his rhythm steady, his pace slow…for a cyborg. Kasia rose up to meet his thrusts, her breasts firm, her nipples taut.

  Vector bent over his female, licking up her chest, between her curves, tasting the salt of her skin, the unique flavor of her. She arched her spine, panting. The heels of her feet drummed against his back, a silent request for harder, faster.

  He took her again and again, smacking his hips against hers, trying to subdue her, his control shredding more with every thrust. His savagery seemed to excite his daring female.

  “Yes,” she called, banging her bound hands against the console. “More. Give it to me, Vector.”

  If he gave her more, he’d damage her. “Careful.” Vector nipped her right breast with lip-covered teeth and she squeaked. “You’ll bruise your hands.”

  “Need you. On Top. Of me.” Her breathing was ragged.

  He lowered his body, pressing her against the console, and her inner walls constricted around him, her response telling. She liked having her movements restricted.

  Vector clasped her shoulders, holding onto her, and he ravished his female harder. His chest rubbed against her nipples. Her form heated. Her eyes grew wild, her beautiful face framed by stars.

  Frag. They truly were flying, He sealed his lips around her chin and sucked. She was molten metal underneath him, a vessel pushed to her limits, and she burned away the last of his control, leaving that part of him in ash.

  His balls hugged his shaft. Pressure formed at the base of his spine. He was close but he would please her first. He had to. Couldn’t disappoint her.

  “Vector.” She required more yet again. He heard that in her voice.

  Vector swiveled his hips, rubbing against her clit, and she screamed, her inner walls clamping down on his cock. His vision system flashed. His processors capped.

  He drove his hips forward and roared his release, cum jetting from his form. That nanocybotic-infused essence hit her flesh and the pitch of her scream ratcheted higher, her wail of surrender extending.

  Kasia twisted and writhed, was unable to move far. He’d pinned her to the console, keeping her safe, not allowing her to escape him.

  Vector came once, twice, three times, giving his female everythin
g he had, and then he collapsed, flattening her form. She squawked a protest. He gathered the remnants of his energy and braced himself upward.

  “Woo-wee.” She shook her head, as though trying to clear it. “The rumors are true. Once you go cyborg, you never go back.”

  He frowned. “I’m not merely a cyborg, female. I’m your male.”

  “After that fuck, you certainly are my male.” Kasia smiled up at him, her eyes dazed, her legs wrapped around his waist.

  “That wasn’t fucking.” Vector clarified, their bodies remaining connected. “That was breeding.”

  “Breeding.” She lowered her bound hands, gliding them down his chest, resting them on her flat stomach. “There’s little likelihood of that happening. It usually takes more than one fuck to make a baby.”

  Kasia’s calculations were correct. The probability Vector had manufactured offspring with his female during this single breeding session was low.

  But it wasn’t zero. Leveraging himself upward with his left arm, he placed his right palm over both of her smaller hands.

  She would be even more beautiful during the manufacturing stage. Her stomach would round with offspring, his offspring.

  That offspring wouldn’t care that his father wasn’t whole.

  “We will have more than one fuck.” Vector would breed with her multiple times a planet rotation, increase their odds.

  “You’re not the being who will decide that.” Kasia lifted her chin. “This is a temporary surrender.”

  “This is a forever surrender.” He had to protect his female and their future offspring. Vector straightened, his cock slipping from the warmth of her pussy.

  He gathered his female into his arms and stalked off the bridge, heading toward his private chambers. She would be secure there.

  “I need clothing.” Kasia folded her lean physique, bringing her knees to her chest, attempting to conceal her bare body. “I’m not a cyborg like you are. I don’t feel comfortable walking around naked.”

  “No one will see you naked.” Vector entered his chambers with her. “Only you would dare to enter my private space without my permission.” He set her carefully on the sleeping support.

  She looked like she belonged there. His chest expanded.

  “You don’t require these.” He removed the restraints around her wrists.

  They had left a mark. He raised her hands, examining the skin. That was unacceptable. Vector licked her wrists, covering her with his healing nanocybotics.

  “Is it time for that second fuck?” Her voice lowered. The scent of her arousal swirled around him, hardening his cock. “I’m up for that.”

  He was up for that also. “Now isn’t the time.” Vector pressed his lips against her right palm and then her left, closing her fingers over his kisses. “Sleep.” Unlike cyborgs, humans required rest. “I’ll return for you and we’ll breed then.”

  “You’ll return for me?” Kasia kneeled, her forehead furrowing with thought lines. “Nope. That’s not happening. I’m going with you.”

  “You’re staying here.” He had to suppress the reckless side of her nature. For her own good. Vector walked to the far wall, opened the compartment hidden there. “There are nourishment bars.” He took five of them and placed them on a horizontal support. “The liquid in the cleansing chamber can be consumed.”

  He’d retrieve containers of beverage from the battle station. She wouldn’t want for anything.

  “I’m not hungry.” Kasia stood, magnificently naked, her bare feet flat on the floor. “And I’m not staying here.”

  Vector picked her up and set her on the sleeping support.

  “You’re a cyborg, a logical being.” She continued talking as though nothing had happened. “You must realize you require my assistance. The EMP programming change is ready to be implemented.”

  “You won’t be involved with that implementation.” He strode to the control panel for the doors and instructed the system to deny any being other than himself the ability to exit the chambers, protecting that command with thousands of passwords.

  His female was skilled. She would eventually override any security measures he put in place but doing that would take time. He should return before she was successful.

  “You need me for the implementation.” Kasia slammed her fists down on her shapely hips. “Someone has to administer the EMPs, someone who is unaffected by them.”

  He looked over his shoulder, meeting her glittering gaze. His little female was angry with him. She would have to grow accustomed to obeying orders. They were issued for her safety.

  “You won’t be that someone.” They had over a thousand cyborgs on board the battle station. Temporarily losing the abilities of one extra warrior during each test wouldn’t be a hardship. “Restore your energy levels, female.”

  Their next round of breeding would be vigorous. Vector strode out of the chambers, the doors closing behind him.

  He already needed her.

  Chapter Eight

  Restore her energy levels.

  Kasia rolled her eyes. Yes, she was exhausted from the long planet rotation and from their fucking. And yes, the sleeping support was temptingly soft. It had been solar cycles since she’d rested on one.

  But no one locked her in.


  She stood in front of the control panel and looked at the layers of security her foolish male had erected around his command. Her lips hitched upward. He thought that would stop her.

  She retrieved the handheld she’d hidden in the air conduit, an air conduit too small for her to crawl through. It took her mere moments to unlock the doors.

  She programmed the doors to remain open. That would prove her point to a certain stubborn cyborg. Satisfied, she then hid the handheld once more, utilized the cleansing chamber, returned to the sleeping support and lay upon it.

  It was decadent, molding to her body. She rolled onto her right side. And then her front. And then her left side.

  The sleeping support was too luxurious. There was space all around her.

  Kasia turned her body until she lay width-wise, the head of the sleeping support snug against her back.

  It wasn’t enough. She was unable to relax. The front of her was exposed. She could sense that with her eyes closed.

  Exposure meant possible death. The enemy could strike from that direction.

  An attack was unlikely. Consciously, Kasia knew that.

  She was resting in Vector’s private chamber in a warship in a battle station, surrounded by cyborgs, some of the best warriors in the universe. They would protect her and themselves.

  But she couldn’t undo half a lifespan of conditioning. Large spaces were dangerous. Closing the doors wouldn’t make the chamber significantly smaller, wouldn’t ease her tension.

  She had to find a smaller space in which to sleep.

  Kasia slipped off the sleeping support and gazed around her. Compartments were risky. She’d hidden in one solar cycles ago and had almost suffocated.

  The horizontal support was too high. The chair was too low.

  Her gaze drifted back to the sleeping support. There was a space between it and the floor.

  She crawled into that space, the tiles cool against her skin. It was dark, cramped, yet had exits on three sides.

  It resembled an air conduit.

  Kasia curled up into a tight ball. Air conduits were safe. Her breathing leveled. She could hide in them.

  Blackness engulfed her.

  * * *

  Kasia woke a full shift later.

  Vector had entered the chamber while she slept. A neatly folded flight suit and her boots were set on the floor. The boots had been polished. Beside them were containers of beverage, nourishment bars, and cleansing cloths.

  Kasia was a light sleeper. That trait had kept her alive during the past solar cycles. Yet she hadn’t woken.

  Her cyborg was silent.

  She crawled out of her safe haven, picked up a cleansing cloth and
tidied herself, flicking the square to refresh it. There was no removing the bubbling sensation inside her or the scent of Vector on her skin. She suspected those pieces of him would always remain with her.

  If she wasn’t careful, all of her would remain with her warrior. As Vector learned about her evasion tactics, it would become more and more difficult to escape him.

  She should leave.

  There was no reason to linger. She’d given him the information about the fail-safes, had transferred everything she knew. They’d fucked. Gloriously. She’d never forget that experience, would never forget him.

  Staying longer would doom her warrior to a lifespan like hers, something Kasia would never wish upon another being.

  Vector had already claimed her privately. The next step she suspected her overly honorable, honest warrior would take would be to claim her publicly and that would make him a target. He’d detailed that danger to Dissent.

  The cyborg council would hunt Vector. He’d constantly be on the run, hiding from his enemies. No friends, no family could associate with him, not safely.

  Kasia touched her flat stomach, remembering the yearning on Vector’s stark face when they talked about offspring. Her cyborg wasn’t designed for a lifespan spent in isolation.

  She couldn’t inflict that fate on him.

  Kasia dressed slowly, her limbs weighted down with dread. She drank beverage, ate a nourishment bar. That didn’t revive her.

  The doors to the chamber were closed. She moved the covering to the air conduit, reached inside.

  Felt nothing. The handheld was missing. Vector must have taken it.

  That was yet more proof he never planned to let her go. She had to protect her warrior as he was attempting to safeguard her.

  Kasia retrieved the handheld she’d strapped to the bottom of the horizontal support. It was the last device she’d hidden in his chamber. If Vector confiscated it, she wouldn’t be able to leave.

  Sweat trickled down her spine. She’d be trapped and he would be also.

  That couldn’t happen.

  Vector had added extra barriers to prevent access to the doors. That didn’t stop her. Kasia opened the doors, that feat accomplished in mere moments.


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