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Assassin's Haiku Page 3

  “You have a water shower.” Having never seen one before, Haiku stared up in wonder and held out her hand. The precious liquid ran in rivulets down her arm and felt like rain, except without the stinging acid.

  “The water is purified and recycled. There is no waste.” He turned the tap off, saving the scarce resource. “And after an”—a muscle in his jaw ticked—“intense day, I find it more refreshing than an air shower.”

  His day was spent killing, so by intense, he must mean bloody, Haiku realized. After his intense, bloody days, he retreated to his white apartment with his massive bed and his water shower. There he was safe and clean but alone.

  He wasn’t alone anymore; he now had her. Haiku tapped her stocking feet on the tile, excitement curling around her fluttering stomach. She was eager to have that cool water run down her entire body, washing away the filth of the outside world. “Do you want to shower first?”

  “You shower first.” His black-eyed gaze slid away from hers.

  If he wanted to be a gentleman and let her go first, Haiku wouldn’t argue with him. She undid the top button of her blouse, her movement drawing his attention to her chest. Her nipples tightened under his perusal. “And then you’ll shower?” They’d both be clean and naked and wet. His tanned chest would glisten with water droplets, tempting Haiku to pop each one with her tongue. Heat and longing swept over her.

  “I’ll shower tomorrow.” Diego shrugged his wide shoulders, the action rippling his leather coat.

  He’d shower tomorrow. Diego lived in a painfully white home, and he chose to stay dirty overnight. That didn’t make sense—unless he didn’t have a choice. Examining the small water tank attached to the shower, Haiku realized there wasn’t enough water for two showers.

  Although he was a big guy, she wouldn’t take up much extra space, and the shower was large, so they should both fit. “You won’t shower tomorrow. You’ll shower tonight, with me. We’ll shower together,” she decided. She’d never showered with a man, she’d never taken a water shower, and she’d never seen Diego naked. It would be a night of firsts. Her fingers fumbling, Haiku continued unbuttoning her blouse.

  Diego raked his fingers through his jet-black hair. “No.” His jaw jutted out.

  “Why not?” She folded her blouse and set it neatly on the white marble counter beside his leather gloves. She was wearing her best black lace bra, because she’d known she’d see Diego tonight. She’d often imagined him looking at her small lace-covered breasts as he was doing right now. His gaze heated her bare skin until she burned with desire.

  “I”—his chest heaved as he took a big breath—“can’t control myself around you,” Diego admitted, as though it were a shameful secret. “If we shower together, we’ll do more.”

  Haiku raised her chin, holding his gaze. “We’re doing more,” she declared, her confidence lasting for less than a minute before dissolving. “I mean … Don’t you want to do more?” She brushed her fingertips over the tops of her breasts, imagining that it was Diego caressing her. “Don’t you want to touch me? I want to touch you, so badly.” Had she read his reaction wrong?

  Diego stared silently at her, his black eyes tracking the movement of her hands, back and forth, back and forth, over her breasts. His expression was blank, reflecting no emotion, no need.

  “Come on.” She summoned up a smile while inwardly writhing from embarrassment and frustration. “Live for the moment, Diego, as there may not be a tomorrow.” She recited Beth’s often repeated rationalization, and that was all it was—a rationalization to touch him, to realize her deepest, darkest desires, to be fucked into oblivion by the man she cared for. Haiku dropped her cargo pants to the floor and stood before him nearly nude, her black lace panties matching her bra.

  He didn’t reply, watching stone-faced as she swept her hand over her pale stomach, skimming the top of her panties. When she placed her pants with her blouse, she deliberately brushed against his hard body, and he jerked away from her as though burned.

  “Is that why?” Diego finally demanded, his voice strangled. “Is that why you want to fuck me? Because there may not be a tomorrow for you? There will be, Haiku. You won’t die, I swear to you. I won’t let that happen.”

  He wouldn’t let anything happen, his misplaced honor not allowing him to touch her. Stifling her scream of aggravation, Haiku stroked her own skin, contemplating her response. She wanted to fuck him, because she cared for him, but if she said that, she suspected their problems would compound exponentially.

  As she touched herself, Diego tilted his head, gazing at her stomach intently. She glanced down at the poem written in black marker across her skin.

  A dream never leaves

  Diego’s cock in my pussy

  Haunting endless nights

  Diego reached out and slowly, meticulously traced each letter with his coarse fingertips. Her stomach quivered under his touch.

  “Why my cock?”

  That was her logical Diego, needing reasons for emotional choices like wanting someone. Haiku undid her bra, letting it drift to the tiled floor, now not the time for neatness. “I feel safe around you, Diego. I feel protected.” She wouldn’t scare him with talk of love. Haiku removed her panties, stepping out of them to stand completely naked in front of him. “And I’m tired of spending my nights alone.” She fought the urge to cover herself with her hands, allowing him to leisurely peruse her. “Aren’t you tired of being alone?” She pushed his jacket off his shoulders, the metal from the clasps clinking against tile as it fell.

  A groan traveled up his chest. “Fuck yeah.” He rolled his shoulders back; a crack echoed in the room. “So tired.” He touched her stomach again, as though to reassure himself that the words hadn’t disappeared.

  “Then let me take care of you.” She wanted to take care of him. Haiku pulled up his shirt, but she was too short to remove it, unable to lift it past his shoulders. Diego ripped the fabric off, exposing a wide tanned chest. “Let me love you.” She followed his collarbone with her fingers to the hollow of his neck and then down over rippling abs. There wasn’t an ounce of softness in his body. He was man and muscle, skin stretched tight over hard steel.

  Eager to see more of him, she popped the top button and unzipped his pants, exposing more golden brown skin. He wasn’t wearing underwear, and there wasn’t anything else between the leather and his skin. Her body heated; her pussy throbbed with want. He was one primitive man.

  She tugged his pants down over his slender hips. Undressing him was difficult to do, because the leather was unforgiving, and he was rock hard. His cock finally sprang free, and she blinked, shocked and excited to see that her hasty feel in the club hadn’t lied. All of him was genetically enhanced. Haiku looked up in question.

  Black eyes glinted. “Is alone more appealing now?”

  There was a vulnerability in his mocking that Haiku recognized. Her toddlers used the same tactics to protect themselves emotionally.

  “It is less appealing.” She stepped forward, flattening her breasts against his chest, pressing their hips together. His cock pushed against her stomach. He was warm and hard and all man. “Fill me, Diego, as only you can. Fill me with your big cock.” Haiku kissed him on his square chin, as she couldn’t reach his mouth, and he didn’t lower his lips.

  “I can’t be gentle, Haiku,” he ground out through clenched teeth. “I need you too much.”

  “I never asked you to be gentle.” She licked the salt off his skin, tracking the vein in his neck with her tongue. When she reached the juncture of his neck and shoulder, she nipped him with her teeth. “I want you to take me hard and deep and fast. I want to feel your cock for days, for weeks. I want you to fuck me so thoroughly, you’ll ruin me for other men.” She looked into his black eyes, waiting for his decision, her skin vibrating in anticipation against his.

  Fierce emotion flashed across his stoic face, and his huge arms wrapped around her waist, securing her to him, squeezing the breath from her body. Dieg
o swallowed her gasp, crushing her lips under his passionate assault, his teeth grinding against her flesh, the metallic taste of blood filling Haiku’s mouth. She pulled back, surprised by his aggression, and he pursued her, holding her face so she couldn’t retreat. He plunged into her mouth again and again with his tongue, until her lips burned and her head spun.

  This was how she knew it’d be with Diego, wild and rough and intense. She dug her fingernails into his shoulders and raised her right leg, blindly searching with her toes for a foothold, wanting to climb his body, needing to be closer to him. Diego cupped her naked ass, lifting her up like she weighed nothing so she could straddle his waist, her wet pussy rubbing against his hard stomach. It felt good, and she ground against him, dragging her breasts across his chest, his cock sliding between her ass cheeks, his fingers kneading her soft flesh.

  Diego roared into Haiku’s mouth, the primitive animal noise resonating deep within her womb. Then he sprang into motion, surging into the shower with her wrapped around him. Water dripped down on their naked bodies, but Haiku barely noticed, her focus on his mouth, his chest, his hands.

  Diego leaned her against the cool tile wall, pinning her hips in place with his. He captured her wrists in one large hand and stretched them high above her head. She was at his mercy, without even a voice to protest, as his tongue continued to ravage her mouth. She moaned around that tongue, and she pushed against his hard, wet form, but he didn’t budge.

  When Haiku quieted, accepting his mastery of her, he released her lips and began to rain hard, punishing kisses down her neck, over her shoulders, around her left breast. She cried out, arching toward him as he sucked her nipple hard and deep within his hot mouth. He suckled, not with a gentle pull, but with enough force to bruise her, marking her breast as his, and Haiku’s body responded, her pussy pulsing wet cream against his skin.

  He knew what he was doing to her, his eyes gleaming as he licked the flesh he had suckled red. Haiku twisted, thrusting her neglected breast toward him, wanting, needing the same pleasurable pain. Thin, grim lips parted, baring sharp white teeth, and Haiku tensed with expectation. Diego positioned those perfect teeth over her untouched nipple. He watched her watch him as he clamped down. She wiggled; the pressure was too much, the pain felt too good, but she couldn’t free herself. Her pussy contracted in sharp spasms, and she screamed, slamming her shoulders back against the tiled wall.

  He returned to her mouth, hungrily kissing her lips as though to taste her satisfaction, his tongue stroking into her, keeping her desire alive. Then he pulled back, looked in her eyes, and Haiku read satisfaction in his expression.

  “That was for you. Now, it is my turn,” he informed her, removing his grip on her hands. She let them fall to his shoulders. “I’m going to fuck you now, the way I want to fuck you.” He reached down to position his cock. “And you’ll take all of me.” His broad cockhead probed between her pussy lips. “As many times as I need you to.”

  As he pushed his cock inside her, Haiku’s whimper of surprise was smothered by Diego’s mouth. He was large, stretching her to the sharp edge of pain, and she spread her legs wider and tilted her body to better accommodate him, but it made little difference as her pussy burned with the slow slide.

  His face a mask of determination, Diego continued to lower her unrelentingly upon his thick shaft. Certain she couldn’t take any more, Haiku thrashed her head from side to side to free herself of his lips. She had to tell him she couldn’t do this, that he was too large, that he would split her in two, but when she managed to summon up the words, his invasion of her womb stopped. The first breaching was done, and she was full, successfully taking all of him.

  Diego stilled, his cock throbbing, with Haiku feeling the rub of every raised vein on his shaft.


  She met his midnight gaze.

  “You are mine.” He stated it defiantly, as though he expected her to refute him.

  With him lodged deep inside her, there was no refuting his ownership of her body, mind, and soul. “I am yours, Diego.” Haiku ran her shaking hands over his wet shoulders. They were wide and strong and well able to hold all her burdens.

  “Mine,” Diego repeated, rocking in and out of her, his movements shallow and slow and contained. She knew he held back for her, allowing her body to adjust to his size, and his concern touched her. She swallowed her pain to undulate against him, and as her grip on him loosened, he drove deeper, faster into her, until their hips slammed together.

  It wasn’t the wild, abandoned fucking of before, as his entry was too smooth, his rhythm too steady, and his breathing too regulated. Haiku felt his control tempering his passion, and it frustrated her. “Harder. Faster,” she demanded, bucking into him. “I want everything. Give me everything.” She raked her fingernails across his back, leaving tracks of red on his tanned skin.

  “Fuck!” he bellowed, his animal rising to the surface.

  He increased the tempo, his thrusts delving deeper, reaching into her very core, and she panted her appreciation, her skin stinging as her ass smacked against the hard tile, the pain accentuating her pleasure.

  Diego cupped her tender ass cheeks, driving her toward him as he surged into her, their wet bodies slapping together, her battered pussy humming happily with his abuse. He grunted with the exertion, his eyes black as night. All that intensity he was known for was now focused on fucking her senseless, and his efforts were meeting with great success. The throbbing originating from her pussy spread throughout her body, synchronizing with his pounding thrusts.

  Haiku carved her fingernails into his skin, clinging to him as she approached orgasm. “Diego, I need…” She didn’t know what she needed. She was so close, hovering on the edge of satisfaction, but she needed more to get there.

  “Me. All you need is me.”

  He slid his hand between their bodies, over her stomach, threading through her woman’s hair to capture her clit between two fingers. She sucked in her breath, suspecting what he planned to do, and he grinned.

  “You’re mine, Haiku.” As he slammed into her, slapping her ass against the tile wall, he squeezed her clit, hard.

  The dual pain, from front and back, caused her world to combust. “Diego!” Haiku screamed his name as she burst into flames, burning while covered with cool water. She rolled into him in an attempt to douse the fire, clawing at his chest and biting his shoulder.

  Diego’s control snapped. Throwing back his head and roaring his release, he drove his hips forward to seat himself fully within her, his cock pulsing in hard spurts. The hot cum fed the inferno inside Haiku, drawing a last shudder of ecstasy from her exhausted body before reducing it to ash.


  Diego leaned toward her, resting his forehead against hers, his black eyes closing. She traced the scratches she’d left on his chest, felt his skin tug and pull as her genetically enhanced warrior healed. He was a wonder of science, a finely honed killing machine, and he was hers, his drained cock remaining inside her. Haiku smiled, overcome with emotion, and she touched his cheek, wanting to share it. He nuzzled her palm with his lips, and they stayed like that, the two of them wrapped in a tight embrace, the water washing their heat away before trickling to a stop.

  He opened his eyes and grinned, his chuckle a low rumble. “We need another shower.”

  Chapter Five

  “Don’t move.”

  He couldn’t move even if he wanted to, the sight of the most beautiful face in the world inches away from his engorged cock paralyzing him. He hadn’t yet absorbed the surreal wonder of the previous night, and the continued fuckfest this morning was too much for his brain to comprehend. Haiku moistened her lips as her blue-eyed gaze swept over him, and his naked body tensed in anticipation.

  A pink tongue licked the precum off his tip, and he felt that dainty touch down to his curled toes. As he’d only recently removed his cock from her moist pussy, his flavor would be seasoned by her juices. The mixture must have been
appetizing, because she lapped at his cockhead with rapid flicks of her tongue, driving Diego to grab a fistful of white bedsheet in an attempt to remain still. Her sweet torture was hell and heaven all rolled up into one, and he wouldn’t trade the experience for eternal life.

  After licking and cleaning him thoroughly, Haiku circled the bulbous cockhead, pushed her tongue into his slit, into him. Fabric tore in his hands, the rending noise obscenely loud in his soundproof bedroom. She was inside him, and the concept melted his mind, rocked his control.

  If he closed his eyes, he might be able to take her teasing, but he couldn’t close his eyes. She was too gorgeous, too… too Haiku, and Diego had to watch her, concerned that if he looked away, she might disappear, a mere fragment of his lonely mind. Her pale skin glowed, and her lips glistened as she licked down his shaft. He willed himself to remain motionless. He could do this. He had survived the brutality of Agency training. He could survive Haiku.

  She pumped him with her soft hands as she played with his aching balls, sucking first one and then the other into her hot mouth, giving him the exact right combination of pressure and release. He gritted his teeth until his jaw ached.


  She hummed against the base of his cock, an appreciative sound, as though she thought him delicious, a taste to be savored.

  “Haiku,” he warned. He couldn’t last long, not with her firm grip stroking him and her tongue running over his balls. She freed him from her loving torture with a juicy pop and grinned, her saucy smile telling him she knew what she was doing to him. She intended to make him beg, plead, weep with wanting, humbling the man, exposing the monster.

  Diego tilted his chin upward, accepting the stripping away of his dignity as what he deserved. Claiming her for his own had been the mark of a selfish man, a weak man, since he couldn’t give her a normal life, and he couldn’t love her the way she should be loved.