Taking Vengeance (Cyborg Sizzle Book 12) Page 11
“That female might be human, the enemy.” She was that being for him. Astrid gazed at the warrior before her, their connection palpable, undeniable, lasting.
But he didn’t believe in it, didn’t believe they were destined to be together, forever. He continued to fight their link, was determined to prove it to be false, a trap laid by his adversaries.
“If the female is the enemy and the bond is temporary, giving her full rights, full access to the Homeland could lead to invasion.” He held her hand to his lips, his tender touch belying his critical words. “My brethren could be enslaved once more, tortured and killed. I can’t risk that.”
He had already lost many of the warriors he cared about…as she had.
She pushed away her sympathy for him. “To prevent the human females from gaining full access to the Homeland, you have to prove the bond is temporary.”
He dipped his head.
“The easiest way to do that was to bond with me, fuck me, pretend to care for me.” And she had fallen for his act. Her lips twisted. She was a fool. “It was all a plan.”
“That wasn’t my plan.” His face turned an interesting shade of gray. “My plan was to show my brethren I could resist my female.” His gaze lowered. “I failed in that mission.”
It must have irked her arrogant male to have to admit his failure. “You couldn’t resist me.” That soothed her battered pride. “Your lust for me was too strong.”
“Yes.” His admission was barely audible.
She studied his handsome face. Her warrior was attempting to protect his brethren. That was admirable. And he wanted her, his cock hard even now. He admitted to caring for her, had vowed to protect her, to never harm her.
She couldn’t hate him, her desire for him burning bright.
“You’re no longer my enemy, Vengeance.” She wanted him to know that. “I understand why your brethren killed my clan. My war against the cyborgs is over.”
“Not every female is as honorable as you are.” He pressed his lips against her palm. “To protect my brethren, I must break our bond.”
Her cyborg was set on this foolhardy course. Being a stubborn male, he would fight his need for her with everything he had, would do everything he could to sever their unique connection.
She was just as determined to show him he was wrong. Their link was permanent, special, never to be replaced. She felt that truth deep within her soul.
Her lifespan had been spent fighting. Saving their budding relationship would be her biggest battle yet.
But victory would be hers. Having spent planet rotations observing him, she had learned his weaknesses, would use those against him, wouldn’t accept defeat as an option.
“You can untie my ankles.” She held up her feet. “I won’t try to escape.”
He raised his eyebrows. “Do you plan to kill me?”
“That would be fun.” She grinned. “But no, I meant what I said about my war with the cyborgs being over. I won’t kill you or your handsome warrior friend. I won’t blow up your ship. I won’t summon my big bad Rebel buddies and, with their assistance, take the two of you captive, to use as my private fuck tools.”
She paused.
“I can’t promise you I won’t torture you, however.” Because she planned to do exactly that.
“You will only use me as your private fuck tool.” Vengeance snapped the ankle restraints, his strength and his possessiveness thrilling her. “Truth is not for you.”
“Isn’t he?” She wiggled her feet, savoring her freedom. “I thought that was the point you are trying to make—our bond isn’t permanent, which means any male could be for me.”
Her cyborg’s face darkened. “You won’t fuck other males and I won’t fuck other females. That was our agreement.”
“You agreed to that.” She couldn’t conceal the triumph in her voice. “I didn’t.”
“You will agree to that.” He gripped her face.
“No, I won’t.” She moved closer to him, her lips a breath away from his.
He glared at her. She smiled back at him. A rumble rolled up his chest, that savage sound making her pussy wet.
“You’re mine. Only mine.” He captured her lips, his kiss fierce, demanding. She granted him entrance, unable to deny him access to her body.
He invaded her mouth. His fingers sank into her hair, his hold on her tight. Their tongues battled, attacking, fleeing, pursuing. She slid into his lap, straddling his hips.
They moved together. She was fully clothed. He was naked, his cock pressing against her leather-clad mons, the pressure exquisite.
She rubbed against him. He growled into her mouth. Pulling her head back, he dragged his lips along her neck, the hint of teeth, a trace of danger, causing her toes to curl in her boots.
He nipped and sucked on her, her male marking the territory he considered his. She clasped his shoulders and swiveled her hips against him, showing him what he would be giving up if he severed their bond, destroyed their relationship.
The passion between them was rare. She’d fucked enough warriors to recognize that. It was too good to let go.
He was too good. She moaned as he mouthed over the scar on her neck.
“We should stop.” She raked her fingernails along his back, leaving pink trails on his gray skin.
Energy surged in his eyes. “We’re not stopping.” He pushed her down on the sleeping support, covering her with his big form.
“You want to sever our connection.” She unfastened her chest covering, freeing her breasts, the chamber air cool against her curves. “You can’t do that if we continue to fuck.”
Every sexual encounter, every exchange of nanocybotics, strengthened their link.
“We’ll sever our connection later.” He ravished her breasts with his hands and mouth, the fizzing and bubbling on her sensitive flesh making her writhe, the pleasure intense. “Right now, I want to fuck you. Hard.”
“Yes.” Her lips curled upward.
The war had only begun, but this first battle was hers.
Chapter Eleven
Vengeance had found release with his female three times during the flight to the Homeland. He shouldn’t want to fuck her again.
Yet he did. She bent over, slipping daggers into her boots. Her leather garments stretched tightly across her lush ass and his need drummed at him, his cock pressing against his borrowed body armor.
She was as needy as he was, the scent of her arousal flavoring the air. They had no time to sate their desires. The ship had landed. They would soon separate.
She hadn’t promised not to fuck another male.
His fingers balled into fists. He’d kill anyone who dared to touch her. She was his.
“Are you ready?” His female smiled up at him, her scarred face glowing.
No, he wasn’t ready, but there was no other logical choice. The council was waiting for them. Power, that pain in his processors, had sent him numerous transmissions, asking where he was.
“Stay close to me.” Vengeance’s voice was gruff.
“I will.” She clasped his hand.
He should pull his palm away from hers, put space between them, signal to every warrior they saw that he could resist his human female, that she wasn’t essential to his wellbeing, to his very definition of self.
But holding her hand would communicate she was under his protection. No one would damage her—physically or emotionally. She’d be safe.
That was more important to him than asserting his power. He linked his fingers with hers.
They walked out of the private chambers and through the small ship. He slowed his pace to human speeds, shortened his stride to match hers.
Truth waited by the ship’s exit doors. “Should I transfer your female’s belongings to your private chambers?” The warrior spoke to him yet winked at Astrid.
Vengeance scowled. The male shouldn’t be looking at his female. “Transfer my captive’s belongings there for now.”
“Ensure you tr
ansfer all of my weapons.” His female’s lips curled upward. “His captive will be needing them.”
“I like this female.” Truth chuckled.
The warrior had already expressed that sentiment. Too many times.
Vengeance tightened his grip on his female’s hand and moved faster, stomping down the ramp. Cyborgs of all model types lined the pathway, standing straight at attention.
Their eyes widened as his female appeared.
He lifted his chin. She was fierce, strong, beautiful, a female any warrior would want for his own.
And she belonged to him.
“Don’t worry, warriors.” She examined the males as she walked past them, her gaze cool, calculating, that of a being sizing up her opponents. “I promised Vengeance I wouldn’t kill anyone while I was here.”
The cyborgs reacted to her as he’d expected—with fascination, wonder, awe, the transmission lines buzzing with comments.
She’s a true warrior female.
Her dagger hilts are worn. She has utilized those weapons.
Her scars are stunning.
Footage of his female accompanied the words. Those images would be shared with every cyborg in the universe. Disseminating information was one of their strengths.
She is built for a cyborg.
Is the female scarred all over?
Some of the observations grew too warm, too appreciative for Vengeance’s comfort. He gazed sternly at those warriors, signaling his disapproval, and that type of chatter ceased.
No one would disrespect her.
He was a council member, and she was his guest, his female, a warrior of worth, a being of honor. They would extend to her the deference she deserved.
He navigated the corridors with his female, crossed the bridges between the structures, heading toward the council chambers. More and more warriors lined their route, openly gaping at her.
She rested her free hand on the handle of one of her guns, her gaze wary, and her posture rigid.
“They won’t damage you.” He reassured her.
“I wouldn’t be so certain about that,” she muttered. “I killed some of their brethren.”
That overheard comment increased the volume of transmissions.
She’s killed cyborgs. How is that possible?
The human female is fierce.
Vengeance survived. Only C Models can handle her. A fellow C Model boasted.
Your C Model is missing half of his little finger on his left hand.
Images of his damaged finger were shared.
She damaged him.
No one has ever damaged Vengeance. He’s unbeatable in battle.
She did.
I’m in love.
The declarations of adoration multiplied and Vengeance’s doubts about his plan increased. When the bond between them dissipated, other warriors might battle to claim his female.
They weren’t genetically compatible with her, would never experience the closeness of connection he shared with her, wouldn’t have that hollow space inside of them filled by her. There would be no possibility of offspring.
But they could win her smile, her caring, her caresses. Some of the warriors were more human-looking, more skilled with words.
And they wouldn’t have verbally renounced her, wouldn’t have actively sought to sever their link. His female was proud, as he was. She wouldn’t easily forgive those acts.
He might lose her.
If that happened, he wouldn’t survive. She was the heart in his chest, the joy in his soul, his entire future.
It was too great a risk for him to take. “Astrid.” He abruptly stopped, not knowing what he would do, only what he couldn’t do—live without her.
His female, being human, didn’t have his cyborg reflexes. She took one more step.
The doors to the cyborg council chambers opened.
“What is it?” She lifted her eyebrows.
Every being inside the council chambers would be listening to them. To express doubts about his plan now would be the equivalent of admitting he was wrong. It would be a confirmation that warriors couldn’t physically part from their human females.
He believed they could. He simply didn’t want to.
That was a selfish, shameful reason for putting all of his brethren in possible peril. His lips flattened.
They had to follow through on this. He searched his female’s beautiful face. They were strong, would survive the separation.
His plan would end in success. He was 91.012 percent certain of that.
“I’m with you.” He squeezed her hand.
“I’m counting on that, cyborg.” She smiled at him.
She was counting on him, not on any other being. His unease vanished. Even while apart, they would remain solid, a couple.
He walked with her into the council chambers.
Cyborgs representing every model sat behind a horizontal support. His seat at the far end was empty.
“Death’s female?” Power looked at the human.
The medic pointed a handheld first at him, then at Astrid. She nodded. “She’s genetically compatible to him and hosts his nanocybotics.”
“That is visually apparent.” Power gazed pointedly at their linked fingers.
Frag him. Vengeance glared at the warrior. He’d hold his female’s hand if he wanted to.
“I assume you’ve altered your position on giving rights to humans.” His nemesis immediately went on the offensive, sensing victory.
“I have not altered my position.” Vengeance drew himself up to his full height. “There is a bond between myself and the human female, but it isn’t permanent. Once my nanocybotics dissipate inside her, the connection will fade.”
“The nanocybotics won’t fade.” Power’s gaze shifted to Astrid. “Unfortunately.”
The heat in the E Model’s eyes made Vengeance uneasy. There was no match for Power in any of the databases. He might try to claim another male’s female.
Especially if he thought that male didn’t want her.
This was a mistake. Vengeance’s stomach twisted. He—
“Vengeance believes his nanocybotics will fade once we stop fucking.” His female didn’t allow him to retreat, sharing his logic for him.
“Is that possible?” There was an unsettling eagerness in Power’s voice.
Everyone gazed at Death’s female, everyone except Astrid. She drew a dagger and nonchalantly cleaned her nails with its deadly tip, her expression bored, as though she didn’t care about the results, didn’t care if she spent the rest of her lifespan with him or alone.
Vengeance’s unease escalated.
“It could be possible.” Death’s female pursed her lips. “No one has stopped transferring nanocybotics long enough to test it. The drive to breed is…intense.”
The glance she exchanged with Death communicated they were both considering that activity at the moment.
Vengeance’s yearning for his warrior female was as strong. He looked at her.
She was looking at Power.
“Then we’ll test it.” His nemesis’ expression was smug. “Vengeance won’t breed with his female. If his nanocybotics fade, we’ll know the bond is temporary.”
“We’re warriors.” Astrid slid her dagger back into its sheath. “We don’t breed.” She widened her stance, the power in her form amplifying Vengeance’s need for her. “We fuck. Hard.”
Power’s jaw dropped.
“Another pair can perform the testing.” Vengeance slid closer to his female, every primal instinct he had bellowing at him to stake his claim. Now. Permanently. Before it was too late.
The others gaped at him.
His female ignored him.
His soul craved her gaze, burned for her perusal. He had to talk to her, touch her, reinforce their bond. In private.
“This human female is a security risk.” Impatient to be alone with her, he offered that excuse for his reversal. “She has killed some of our brethren.”
; “We heard.” The E Model appeared even more besotted with Vengeance’s female. “She requires a strong warrior to handle her.”
“And you think you’re that warrior?” Astrid snorted. “I’ve killed E Models. Too many of them to bother counting. You can’t handle me.”
“I’d like to try.” Power leaned forward.
“You won’t get that opportunity.” Vengeance stepped toward his rival, prepared to reinforce that response with his fists.
His female placed her hand on his forearm, the contact immediately soothing him. “Doesn’t it anger you that I killed your brethren?”
“We were all forced during training to kill our brethren.” Vengeance answered for every cyborg in the chamber, wanting her attention on him, not on Power. “Only the strong survived.”
“Children and babies.” She met his gaze, her eyes reflecting her understanding.
His head dipped. “They had less than one solar cycle.” They had been children, both the brethren he’d been forced to kill and himself.
She squeezed his arm. “They are now fighting the Great Battle.”
“What battle?” Power had been listening to their semi-private conversation.
“The Great Battle is no threat to us.” Vengeance didn’t want to share his female’s beliefs with the male, not now, perhaps not ever.
“It is logical that you test the bond between a warrior and his female.” The E Model declared. “You’re a council member. This experiment doesn’t have to be known outside these chambers.”
“I don’t—”
“Are we in agreement?” Power, ignoring Vengeance’s protest, looked along the horizontal support.
All of the cyborgs, even Vengeance’s supporters, nodded.
Fraggin’ hole. Vengeance gritted his teeth. To fight a council decision was to fight every cyborg in existence. That would put Astrid in danger.
They had to test the bond, but they would do that on his terms. “My female will stay with me.”
“That might contaminate the results.” Death’s female fought him on that matter also. “There could be minor nanocybotics transfer with touching.”
“Minor.” He growled, his patience strained. “That’s not significant.”